a wild mustang gave birth in 2012 to a distinctive foal. He was dark in color, a bay, yet with one blue eye. His birth added another growing, hungry horse to the Paisley Herd Management Area ...
wild mustangs, and cow ponies. The resultant, refined breed is tough, athletic, and willing while retaining a short-coupled, stock-horse physique. Their coat pattern is a combination of white with ...
All of the horses that competed in BLM and Mustang Champions’ Mustang Challenge were once wild no less than a year ago, roaming the West’s most remote landscapes. BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro ...
Moksha Sanctuary is now home to 23 wild horses. These mustangs, an iconic symbol of Arizona and the southwest, have been on the decline in recent years, as wild horses are caught in a constant ...
Several people who follow the plight of wild mustangs in Utah and across the west shared memories of the horses in the comments. “I have been watching this herd since 2018 when they were just a ...