Emphasis—Capitalize the first word after the colon only if it is a proper noun or the start of a complete sentence. (She had one love: Western Michigan University.) Dialogue—Write the speaker's name .
Semicolons must ... must precede this colon. This can be done by inserting a phrase like "the following." Example: The study of linguistics includes these three areas: phonology, morphology, and ...
The most frequent use of the semi-colon is between two complete sentences. It can be substituted for a comma plus a conjunction. Ex: Tom ate breakfast with his family, and then he left for his trip.
Semicolons are often used to join parts of a sentence together to establish variety and link related ideas. Unlike a colon, which separates an independent clause from descriptive information, a ...
Of all the punctuation marks, the semicolon is far from the most popular. It's fallen in usage since it's heyday in the 1800s. Why was it so big then, and what changed? It might be that folks ...
Colons : and semi colons ; are ... it was the worst of times.’ Semicolons can also be used when writing a list. In most lists, it’s enough to use commas to separate the items.
‘It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.’ Semicolons can also be used when writing a list. In most lists, it’s enough to use commas to separate the items. However, if the list ...