As previously reported, past analyses of Rembrandt's paintings identified many pigments the Dutch master used in his work, ...
To protect skin, people should wear lightweight and long-sleeved shirts, sunglasses and a hat – and find reliable shade. Of ...
Who we choose as a partner depends in part on who we find attractive on the outside. Scientists have long wondered whether ...
New research by scientists in the Florida State University Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry uses the patterns formed by a dried salt solution to train a machine learning algorithm that can ...
If Komodo dragons weren't terrifying enough already, researchers accidentally discovered that their razor sharp, serrated ...
Rocks from the farside of the Moon also have a different chemical composition than those on the nearside. Scientists hope ...
On May 30th, the Mars Curiosity rover was just minding its own business exploring Gediz Vallis when it ran over a rock. Its ...
Citizen scientists have discovered what may be a brown dwarf racing through the cosmos at around 1.2 million miles per hour.
In July and August 2021, smoke from wildfires in northwestern Ontario and Manitoba affected air quality in Montreal, ...
"Core on deck!" For two months, whenever I heard that cry, I would run up to the deck of the JOIDES Resolution to watch the ...
Expert opinion from Livia Dickson Chen PhD in Nutrition · 11 years of experience · Brazil In a quick search, I did not ...