Multiple agencies are working a rescue operation on the Wateree River near the dam, with divers in the water and officials ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - Multiple agencies are conducting a water rescue on the Wateree River, according to a post on social media. Kershaw County Fire Service, Kershaw County EMS, the Camden Fire ...
WASHINGTON (7News) — D.C. Fire and EMS, the lead agency at the scene of the collision between an American Airline's plane and ...
LOCK HAVEN — Citizens Hose Co. No. 5 — Station 6 in Clinton County — has a new and very much needed inflatable rescue boat, ...
CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. (KFVS) - A dramatic water rescue on the Mississippi River on Tuesday afternoon, February 25 after someone jumped off the Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge. It happened around 12:30 ...
A boat sank in the Ambrose Channel near Staten Island on Sunday, killing three people and injuring two others while one ...