Failure to do so will mean not receiving a ballot in the mail for the upcoming elections, meaning you will have to go vote in person. I just discovered this myself, and it’s extremely worrying to me ...
If you care about your future, it’s time to vote, because our lives depend on ... Then look at all the sex scandals inside churches today. Instead of me naming the religious organization with ...
I want someone who is a strong choice and values the same things I do: housing, community, schools, jobs, saving access to our hospital and the way of life in rural communities. I urge you to join me ...
Peninsula College’s nursing students use OMC for their clinical practice. Please join me in voting yes on the Clallam County Hospital District #2 levy Aug. 6. If you are 62 or older, or are disabled, ...
That seems fair even though it will be a financial burden for me. A substantial amount of these taxes goes to local schools. I have never given my assent to vouchers but families who use them are ...
I voted for him and would vote for him again ... excellent framework of ideas to push our country forward. Don’t tell me it can’t be done in 3 1/2 months. More than 2,000 years ago, the ...
I would not vote for a habitual liar ... Democrats and non-Trump Republicans like me. On another tack, you may have read my own opinions in earlier letters and, while they are strongly held ...
It is no exaggeration that we are about to face that fire again in 2024. Let me say from the outset that as a lifelong Democrat, I do have reservations about our current president’s age ...
Why, in the discussion of possible Democratic candidates to replace Joe Biden, is there no mention of Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia? He’s bright, articulate, grounded in foreign policy as well as ...
It was our first, much-wanted pregnancy. Afterwards, as I lay adrift in bed, what anchored me was that I was treated with compassion, that I had access to competent medical care during an ...