A Maryland resident purchased a vase for about $4 on a clearance rack at a local thrift store, and kept it in her home for a ...
Anna Lee Dozier noticed a small ceramic vase in a thrift store in Maryland. She bought the item, which was sitting on the ...
Esteban Moctezuma Barragan/x A woman from Washington, D.C.,was in for quite the surprise after she purchased a vase from a thrift shop for $3.99, which turned out to be a Mayan artifact.
Les premiers appels d’offres sont prévus à la rentrée. Quelle est la stratégie de l'Etat en matière de cloud ? Mounir Majoubi, le secrétaire d’État en charge du numérique, est revenu ...
It was a truly historic bargain. A Washignton, DC woman was thrilled when she picked up an “old-ish” looking vase at a local thrift shop for just $3.99 – never realizing the bargain ...
Le 3 juin a débuté le procès en appel de six prévenus, dont Ziad Takieddine et l’ancien ministre Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, dans le cadre du volet financier de l’affaire Karachi.
Environnement, économie ou encore santé : découvrez nos podcasts “L’Europe en 3 minutes”, une série audio courte et accessible qui vous permettra d’appréhender facilement l’action de l’Union ...
A DC woman thought she scored a reproduced Mayan vase for a bargain ... people and dates back between 200 and 800 AD - making her $3.99 purchase, a priceless treasure that is nearly two-thousand ...
Une avance que Keir Starmer essaie à tout prix de conserver en restant d’une très grande prudence durant les derniers jours de campagne. C’est la stratégie que la presse britannique décrit comme celle ...
She was in a Maryland thrift store in 2019 and found a vase on the clearance rack for just $3.99. “I saw this vase, and I assumed it was like a tourist reproduction,” Dozier told The Independent. “It ...
D.C.,was in for quite the surprise after she purchased a vase from a thrift shop for $3.99, which turned out to be a Mayan artifact. Mom of three and cultural worker Anna Lee Dozier was exploring 2A ...