Cette semaine, Marie-Claude d’Oucques nous interroge sur une paire de vases anciens. L’occasion pour Aymeric Rouillac, notre ...
A Washington D.C. woman purchased a nearly 2,000-year-old Mayan vase at a Maryland thrift store — but didn't realize how ...
A $4 vase sitting on a Maryland thrift store clearance rack looked interesting to Anna Lee Dozier, so she decided to make the ...
On vous a toujours dit que cueillir les coquelicots était inutile tant leur fleur est fragile ? Sachez qu'il y a bien une ...
Anna Lee Dozier bought a vase for $3.99 at a Maryland thrift shop, never realizing she had just picked up the bargain of a ...
Prévoyez quelques vivaces et des bulbeuses dont les fleurs tiennent particulièrement bien en vase, et une ribambelle ...
La peinture représente des fleurs roses et blanches dans un vase. Elle faisait partie d’un carnet de l’artiste qui dormait ...
A DC woman thought she scored a reproduced Mayan vase for a bargain. Turns out, her thrift store replica is the real thing and is heading back to the descendants of this ancient civilization.
Ces Vase et fleurs n’étaient connus que par un carnet de dessins. James Ensor faisait des croquis de ses tableaux dans ses ...
The Washington, D.C., resident paid about $4 for what she assumed was a reproduction of a Mayan vase. It turned out to be the real deal: an artifact that’s at least 1,200 years old from the ...
It’s the find of the millennium - well, two. It turned out to be much more. The vase dated back 2,000 years, and her Anna Lee Dozier knack for second-hand shopping near her Washington, DC, home paid ...
A DC woman thought she scored a reproduced Mayan vase for a bargain. Turns out, her thrift store replica is the real thing and is heading back to the descendants of this ancient civilization.