Players will have their strategic knowledge and skill tested like never before as Sins of a Solar Empire II has officially released its first paid DLC, "Paths to Power," today. This DLC debuts 10 new ...
Sins of a Solar Empire 2 update 1.4 brings back the first game’s population mechanics and adds new units as the Paths to ...
Sins Of A Solar Empire II will once again explore the tragic war between the desperate Vasari Empire, emergent Trader Emergency Coalition, and vengeful Advent Unity as their struggle leaves them ...
Told from the perspective of a Trader soldier, it talks about the kinds of events that happened in Sins of a Solar Empire: Three-way conflicts between the TEC Traders, the alien Vasari ...
The Unity must grow if it's to continue the wars against the despised TEC and obnoxious Vasari. The Advent have suffered many losses of late and fresh blood is needed. It's time to assimilate the ...