Badly. Guy Fawkes: I like blowing things up. So, Guy Fawkes was hiding in the cellar, waiting. The King was due to arrive on the 5th November. When the King arrived, Fawkes would get his chance to ...
A lantern believed to have been carried by Guy Fawkes on the night he was arrested is on display at a museum. It can be seen ...
Today is Guy Fawkes Day, a day where the U.K. celebrates the foiling of a plot to kill King James I in 1605. The country celebrates this by lightning fireworks and, in a morbid twist, burning an ...
Guy Fawkes, another of the conspirators, was caught red-handed, among rather a lot of barrels of gunpowder. Fawkes was arrested and sent to the Tower, where he was interrogated. But he didn't talk ...
What pushed Guy Fawkes over the edge? What pushed Guy Fawkes over the edge? What turned him from a radical who wanted change to an extremist willing to kill? Foreign correspondent Jason Burke has ...
Humorous trio The Penny Dreadfuls take a break from all things Victorian this Bonfire Night to examine the life of Guy Fawkes, his failed attempt to blow up Parliament and his subsequent interrogation ...