At the conclusion of the study and research program, each master of science and doctoral candidate must successfully defend the thesis or dissertation. The objectives of the defense examination ...
A senior defense is an opportunity for you to share your thesis with your advisor, secondary advisor and reader(s). The purpose of a defense is to celebrate your work, reflect upon your creative and ...
The title page must conform to this sample; otherwise, the Graduate School reserves the right to require the page to be redone. The thesis title should be concise and meaningful and the title on the ...
Beyond this, some students may be motivated to write the MA thesis in order to produce a writing sample for PhD applications or because ... who elect to write a thesis may count the oral ...
Please make sure that all information is spelled correctly and as you would like it to appear on your defense certificate and ScholarWorks form. Spring 2025 Thesis Defense Information: Thesis ...
The Thesis and Dissertation Office assists graduate students in the formatting, editing, and depositing of their theses. Our staff will consult with you to ensure that your thesis is ready for defense ...
Doctoral candidates need to complete OGSPS Exit Questionnaire and the Survey of Earned Doctorates before their defense. 2. Submit your ETD to Hammer Research Repository (HammerRR) Once your ETAF has ...