In the months leading up to Nov. 5, the theories abounded: from “massive” lines of noncitizens registering to vote to Tarrant ... preparation by the Republican National Campaign and its ...
CAMPAIGN EXPENSES: Covers the most direct costs of campaigning, including events (rallies but not fundraising events), promotional material such as signs and buttons, get-out-the-vote expenses, and ...
Commissioner Manny Ramirez, a Republican whose precinct is in northwest Tarrant County, has also been steadfast on the need for an election. If a decision falls to commissioners, he could be a ...
Much of the attention each presidential election ... to Republicans.” Tarrant County also went blue in the 2018 U.S. Senate race, when then-Rep. Beto O’Rourke defeated GOP incumbent (and ...
He faces an uphill battle against Republican Craig Goldman, whose campaign has raised about $2.7 million to Hunt's $24,143. No matter the outcome of the races, Tarrant County will continue to be ...
For every election ... and weeks leading up to early voting, Tarrant County became a battleground in several fights over voting access. An effort led by Republican County Judge Tim O'Hare in ...