On Sunday, June 30, a female Masai giraffe was born at the Missouri-based establishment to mom Makali and dad Aidan, the zoo ...
Tall people make $789 more each year per extra inch, shorter folks may have a lower cancer risk, and other fascinating truths about your stature.
Mama giraffe Amalka recently gave birth to the almost six-foot-tall animal — her 4th calf. The Rothschild giraffe is an endangered species.
A contingent from Fridhem Rest in Heacham went to Hunstanton Charity shop to thank staff for their support. It follows a ...
A giraffe's neck is extraordinary long, making up a large part of its height. This allows the animal to reach the leaves of tall trees. But an elongated neck is also integral to the courtship ...
KANSAS CITY—The Kansas City Zoo and Aquarium asked for your help to name the new giraffe calf. The female Masai giraffe was ...
To our surprise, we found that adult female giraffes have proportionally longer necks than males, which contradicts the necks-for-sex hypothesis. We also found that adult female giraffes have ...
Ranney is the lead hoofstock zookeeper and for the last four years, she has helped care for the zoo’s herd of giraffes including baby giraffe Moyo, Pfeiffer the African spotted-necked otter and ...