However, power-ups have been part of the franchise since the original Super ... and 3D adventures. Mario began in arcades as a character and then took over consoles and Nintendo as a whole.
Super Mario needs another round of official comics from Nintendo as there are a slew of ideas creative teams could explore within the medium!
A recent leak points to a new Nintendo Switch game bundle to be announced before the Nintendo Switch 2 Direct.
While Mario debuted in 1981 via Donkey Kong, the now iconic Nintendo character didn’t get his first game until 1983 when Mario Bros. was released. Super Mario didn’t debut until two years later in ...
The Nintendo Switch 2 may be around the corner, but if you still want the original console, this new bundle is a solid option ...
Video game company Nintendo (NTDOY) has announced a new bundle that combines the Nintendo Switch with Super Mario Bros.
Nintendo has continued the trend of releasing one soundtrack a week for its music app, and the latest addition is the album for the 1988 NES game Super Mario Bros. 2. Although the game itself ...
In this week’s Nintendo Music update, Super Mario Bros 2’s soundtrack has been added! This is one of the shorter soundtracks on the service, with a total of ...