The Sukhoi Su-35 “Flanker” was designed as an advanced multirole fighter to establish air superiority and perform ground ...
The Kremlin takes every chance it gets to tout its “fourth generation ++” fighters as superior jets, but they have yet to prove that title. Moscow’s twin-engine supermaneuverable Su-35 ...
MOSCOW, April 16. /TASS/. Russia has completed the deliveries of Sukhoi Su-35 generation 4++ fighter jets to China under a contract signed earlier, Russia’s Federal Service for Military and ...
MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/. Russia’s Rostec state corporation is ready to supply Su-35 fighter jets to Turkey if Ankara expresses an interest in their purchase, Rostec chief Sergei Chemezov stated ...
A Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber crashed in southwestern Russia on Saturday, Moscow's government said, according to ...
Indonesia and Russia still haven't signed a contract for the purchase of 11 Russian-made Su-35 fighter jets. Russia continues to push Indonesia to ink an agreement for up to 10 Su-35 combat aircraft.
Iran expects to receive the first of the 24 Su-35 Flanker-E fighter jets it ordered from Russia as soon as Mar. 21, the Persian New Year. Tehran also claims it has ordered helicopters and missile ...
While the Su-35S lacks the stealth of the US's fifth-generation aircraft ... including for F-35," an Air Force official with experience on the Joint Strike Fighter program told The National ...
The first formation, which came within 20 nautical miles of Alaska, consisted of a pair Tu-95 bombers escorted by two Su-35 fighter jets and an A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft ...