Viceroy Lord Irwin inaugurated India’s first Parliament building. In 1919, the Paris Peace Conference began, which would ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking on Monday as the last session took place in the old Parliament building ... "Saying farewell to this structure brings forth a mix of emotions.
The occasion of 75 years is also a chance, however, to reflect critically on the Constitution’s structure ... of Parliament (as in Britain). A combination of these factors meant that the Indian ...
But how does a 1,000-year-old temple connect to one of ... the capital of British India. The Parliament’s circular structure, colonnades, and central dome are strikingly reminiscent of the ...
One of India's biggest conglomerates has won the bid to build the country's new parliament ... triangular structure. It is part of a $2.7bn government plan to modernise old colonial government ...