The snowshoe hare occurs from the treeline of North America south into ... Each newborn weighs about 82 g (2.9 oz), and measures 10.5 cm (4 in). Young hares (leverets) are brown, grizzled with black, ...
I am going in pursuit of the snowshoe hare. Snowshoe hares? You may ask: "Where in the world did that come from?" Once upon a time, I would actually hunt these interesting little varmints.
Field experiments by Charles J. Krebs and colleagues have experimentally teased apart the influence of food abundance and predation on snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) populations in Canada.
A white or light brown spot or blaze is present on the forehead. Adults are 380-461 mm (15-18 in) in length and weigh approximately 825-1350 g (1.8-3.0 lb). Females are slightly larger than males. The ...
So far, the Snowshoe Hare Cooperator Study is revealing some important insights. For example, hunters are reporting flushing and harvesting hares in more locations than had previously been known.
The aptly named snowshoe hare has especially large ... Throughout the spring and summer months, its fur is reddish-brown, to match its habitat at this time of year. But as winter approaches ...
Most of us are well aware of the seven-to-11-year population cycle of the snowshoe hare in Newfoundland. Hunters and trappers in particular also know that our "rabbit," as they are more commonly ...
He says winter is a perfect time to track rabbits, because the snowshoe hare turns white in the winter, while the cottontail stays brown. "We're interested in any reported possible cottontail ...