A Titanic rare dinner menu that recently sold for more than $100,000 has shed light on the lavish experience that those who could afford first-class enjoyed before catastrophe struck. The menu is ...
An evening dinner menu for first-class passengers onboard the Titanic has sold for more than £80,000 at auction. The dinner – including oysters, beef, spring lamb and mallard duck – was ...
On the night of April 14, 1912, during its inaugural journey across the Atlantic, the Titanic met with a catastrophic ... passengers enjoyed a sumptuous dinner. The menu featured a variety of ...
An evening dinner menu for first class passengers onboard the Titanic could sell for up to £60,000 at auction. The dinner – including oysters, tornados of beef, spring lamb and mallard duck ...
The first full-sized digital scan of the Titanic, which lies 3,800m (12,500ft) down in the Atlantic, has been created using deep-sea mapping. It provides a unique 3D view of the entire ship ...
An expedition team was on their way Friday to the Titanic wreckage on a mission to explore the site and capture high-resolution photos. RMS Titanic Inc. has exclusive rights to recover artifacts ...
A group of undersea specialists is heading for the sunken ship RMS Titanic to photograph its wreck site and debris field, a high-tech, high-resolution effort organizers say will produce detailed ...
A team of imaging experts, scientists and historians will set sail for the Titanic on Friday to gather the most detailed photographic record ever made of the wreck. The BBC has had exclusive ...