The end result is two P waves both of sinus morphology ... since the surgical anastomotic site creates an electrical block not allowing the native SA node to depolarize the transplanted atrium ...
Nasal polyps are benign mucosal protrusions that can, in severe cases, block the nostrils entirely. Nasal polyps often develop in conjunction with a prolonged sinus ... until the end of 2019.
On occasion, the sinus rate can be different rom the ventricular rate ― known as AV dissociation ― such as in ventricular tachycardia or third-degree AV block. Treatment is aimed at the ...
sinus arrhythmia, first-degree atrioventricular (AV) block, early repolarisation, incomplete right bundle branch block (IRBBB) and voltage criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH).4 The extent ...