On the banks of the Amazonian river Piraí, the rings and canals of Santa Cruz de la Sierra not only enclose buildings of Bolivia's contemporary and modern architecture (curious examples of ...
l'essentiel Implanté dans l’Agenais depuis 25 ans, le cabinet d’architecture créé par François de la Serre a inauguré ses nouveaux locaux. Un véritable havre de paix perché dans les ...
Je crois fermement que l'architecture est une musique figée et je suis obsédé par la façon dont la géométrie et le vide se combinent pour communiquer l'espace. » Natif d'Argentine ...
From pyramids to cathedrals to sykscrapers, architecture reflects the societies and cultural values it originates from. As the built environment expands, the role of architects and architecture in ...
Devenu un site archéologique de premier plan, Koumbi Saleh laisse deviner la splendeur de celle qui fut la première capitale de l’Empire du Ghana et qui a vu se développer un art architectural d’excep ...
The practice of architecture requires a unique skill set—creative thinking and aesthetic sensitivity balanced with technical knowledge, cultural understanding, and social responsibility--all coupled ...
“So here I stand before you preaching organic architecture: declaring organic architecture to be the modern ideal and the teaching so much needed if we are to see the whole of life, and to now ...
This week's curated selection showcases winning competition entries submitted by the ArchDaily community, providing architects and architecture students with new perspectives and inspiration for ...
More than 220 projects were shortlisted for the coveted World Building of the Year prize this week by organisers of the annual World Architecture Festival. The finalists will all present their ...
The Dezeen x Studio 9 talk and Danish furniture exhibition Just One Good Chair (curated by Design Republic) are among the Chinese architecture and design events featured in Dezeen Events Guide ...
The best architecture software lets you bring imaginative constructions to life, creating industry-standard blueprints and designs on your computer. Our team of reviewers have tested the best 3D ...