Here’s a primer on some of the most popular styles, followed by a big caveat.
The Superman Pose, also called Viparita Shalabhasana in Sanskrit, is a yoga position that looks like Superman flying through the sky. According to Vaishali Chauhan, a certified yoga teacher ...
The name “Dandasana '' is derived from Sanskrit, and combines the ... This pose is part of the traditional ‘Hatha Yoga’ and is considered the base pose for all the variations.
The trapped wind position is actually an ancient yoga pose called pawanmuktasana. “This Sanskrit name actually translates to wind removing pose, and it’s long been associated with easing gas ...
From desk stress to Yoga success: Here's why you need Downward Dog in your fitness routine and exercise tips to do so. The Downward Dog pose, also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana in Sanskrit ...