This was Takashi Shimizu's Ju-On: The Grudge (2002 ... This story revolves around a house in Tokyo where, years before, a man named Takeo Saeki (Takashi Matsuyama) murdered his wife Kayako ...
When the cast and crew of a paranormal TV reality program decide to shoot in the house of the original Saeki hauntings, a series of strange events unfold at the location.
Known as The Grudge, this curse causes it's victims to become fatally afflicted by it which leads to a new curse being born and passed like a virus to all those who enter the Saeki residence or ...
Known as The Grudge, this curse causes it's victims to become fatally afflicted by it which leads to a new curse being born and passed like a virus to all those who enter the Saeki residence or ...
Known as The Grudge, this curse causes it's victims to become fatally afflicted by it which leads to a new curse being born and passed like a virus to all those who enter the Saeki residence or ...
Known as The Grudge, this curse causes it's victims to become fatally afflicted by it which leads to a new curse being born and passed like a virus to all those who enter the Saeki residence or ...
"moments all crammed into a fairly hoary'haunted house'narrative. Still, the sho... Rising Japanese horror star Takashi Shimizu’s original…Grudge, pre-Sarah Michelle Gellar redux is a wealth ...