If you're the kind of person who eschews graphical interfaces, changing network via in a terminal emulator is a must-have skill.
It goes against my very being, but here are some reasons you don't need to build your own router. The Raspberry Pi is known for its tiny size. It’s about the size of a deck of playing cards ...
Raspberry Pi Zero’s Turn to Go Under the Skin But hey, who’s still using router PCBs these days? The board-du-jour is the diminutive Raspberry Pi Zero. At DEF CON 27, I got to see and hold ...
It’s a common question, but one that doesn’t always have a straightforward answer. The Raspberry Pi, a cheap all-in-one system-on-a-chip for hobbyists, typically makes do with less RAM than ...
The Raspberry Pi isn't as secure as you may have thought. It’s been quite a year already, for security researchers disclosing groundbreaking research of the hacking variety. What with the iPhone ...