Three months after its Japanese debut, the Attack on Titan: The Last Attack compilation consisting of the final anime episodes will head to movie theaters worldwide in February 2025. However, we will ...
Hajime Isayama's art style in Attack on Titan manga is so distinct that even the anime failed to do justice to it.
Despite changing studios from season 3 to season 4, Hiroshi Seko kept his position as the head writer both in Attack on Titan ...
However, it doesn’t have to be like that if you use all the available Attack on Titan: Evolution codes. With extra Gold, Spins, EXP, and other valuable resources, you will find your way and ...
Check out the new teaser trailer, poster, and more for Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK, the upcoming omnibus film that combines the final two episodes of the critically acclaimed anime series!
The Titans of Attack on Titan are an unusual sort - they don't follow the rules of giant sized beings like I talked about in ...
Have you been anywhere near anime social media? If so, you may have seen an endless number of pictures of Attack on Titan’s ...
Whether you're looking for extra Spins, potions, or Crates, these Attack on Titan Revolution codes will have you covered. Here you can find a list of all the currently active and working AoT ...