The build uses a pair of Raspberry Pi Pico microcontrollers, communicating over HC-05 Bluetooth modules. One Pico acts as a controller ... like this VR bowling game. Video after the break.
Maker and developer ConsciousFish6170 has put a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W inside of a video game controller. Everything you need from the games to the emulation software is contained in one ...
Another project that harkens back to that golden era is this Raspberry Pi floppy controller board from ... a SCSI Swiss Army Knife if you need one. Video after the break.
R etro games may not have the same graphics or quality-of-life features as modern titles, but it’s hard to beat some of the ...
Dr. Raphaël Boichot has managed to emulate the original Game Boy Printer using a Raspberry Pi Pico board as the main driver.
So, connect a controller to the Raspberry Pi 5. Steam Link supports PlayStation ... Then you can use the controller to launch and play the game. Below is a video that records the actual PC game ...
game server, desktop computer and more. They give hobbyists and tinkerers an economical computer to experiment with, and although they were first touted as a learning tool, a Raspberry Pi can run ...