The Quebec government is grappling with a controversy that could be the biggest political scandal in the province since the ...
The auditor general's report found that the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) incurred at least $500 million ...
The premier said he asked Quebec's secretary general to prepare a decree launching the inquiry as soon as possible, to shed ...
Quebec's premier has ordered an independent public inquiry into cost overruns at the online platform of the province’s auto ...
A Quebec minister has resigned following a scandal involving cost overruns of at least $500 million in the digital ...
Bélanger, first elected in the Orford riding in 2018, has been legislature assistant to Premier François Legault and to ...
A long-serving minister in Quebec’s Coalition Avenir Québec government has resigned amid a scandal over at least half a ...
But, in Quebec, this group of workers is not eligible for public health insurance coverage, known as RAMQ. "It's discrimination in my opinion," said Ahmadiseddigh. "I think it's not humane." ...
QUÉBEC — Service is slower and more costly after a $1.1-billion overhaul of the information technology system at Quebec's auto insurance board. That's the conclusion of the province's auditor general ...
A long-serving minister in Quebec's Coalition Avenir Québec government has resigned amid a scandal over at least half a ...