However, many experts advise against pouring bleach down the drain. “It is never advisable to pour any chemicals down any drain,” says Stewart Muir, a safety and technical manager and ...
While a drain cleaner tool might be a quick fix, bigger issues will require a plumber and some money. Save yourself the hassle and avoid pouring these things down the drain. After doing the dishes ...
“I normally drain the oil back into the container it came from, seal it, and throw it away,” explains updates writer Abigail Bailey. Once the oil is cool enough to handle, she pours it into a ...
"So, if you're pouring hot grease down that drain and it's above temperature you could be damaging your pipes that way, too," said Steve Hinkle, service manager at Sieb Plumbing, Heating ...
If you must pour something down a clogged drain, make it boiling water, Boylen said. “Boil a kettle of water and run it slowly down your drain in stages. You would be amazed at what boiling ...