I recently acquired two handwritten documents, written by the Baba Sali in his early years, which tell of the personality and greatness of the man before his later fame as a miracle worker.
Welsh children's character Sali Mali is celebrating her 50th birthday. She first appeared in a Welsh language book by former teacher Mary Vaughan Jones in 1969 and has since appeared in a number ...
About Sali Marghi Recipe: Darius M Dorabjee of Dorabjee & Sons, Pune shows us how to cook an authentic Parsi sali marghi. A delicious chicken recipe to cook at home and feast on with friends and ...
About Sali Boti Recipe: A Parsi mutton curry with prominent flavours of tomatoes, onions, jaggery and vinegar. It is finished with crispy fried potato sticks. Sali Boti is a great option to cook for a ...