At press time, it did not have a severity score assigned, but we do know that it affects all versions of PHP installed on the Windows operating system, and it was introduced when the team tried to ...
Hirt said that the company is "committed to maintaining development and building of PHP on Windows for 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 as long as they are officially supported," but it has no plan to support ...
wphpfpm is my first go-lang project for manage php-cgi on Windows. Since php-cgi can only serve one client at one time, unless you use apache's mod_fcgid, it's really hard to manage. So I wrote it for ...
To only install or upgrade one or two of the packages, run 'install.bat' with one or more of these options: apache, maria_db, php Requires 'taskkill.exe' for 'stop_server.bat' to work properly. This ...