"While this bill is well-intentioned, the management of marine species is better left to the experts at DEC." — Gov. Kathy ...
DOVER, Del.— The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission decided this week to forgo a 2024 bait harvest of female horseshoe crabs in Delaware Bay, where the crabs’ eggs provide a critical food ...
In 1992, we worked with the SC-DNR to enact state legislation that called for the management and regulation of horseshoe crab fisheries, prohibiting the use of horseshoe crabs for bait.
noted that other eastern states from South Carolina to Maine already have horseshoe crab bans in place, and he pointed to a finding by the Atlantic State's Marine Fisheries Commission that New ...
The tri-spine horseshoe crab has survived for more than 100 million years but now faces habitat destruction and overfishing for food and for its blood, used in the development of vaccines.
No, it's not science fiction, just plain old science. We're talking about the horseshoe crab. For decades we've needed them, and their blood, to help us discover human medicines. They're being ...
In 1992, we worked with the SC-DNR to enact state legislation that called for the management and regulation of horseshoe crab fisheries, prohibiting the use of horseshoe crabs for bait.