Hebrew Bible written by Spanish rabbi sells for £5.3m - Shem Tov Bible from 1312AD directly linked to lost Codex Hilleli ...
However, psychological report says Sigal Yana Itzkovich was in a 'psychotic state' at the time she stabbed son and dog to ...
Inaugural summer session attracted a diverse group of students, who took a deep dive into the living tradition of ...
Only a meshuga would disgrace Arlington Cemetery? Well, my docs despicable behavior and that old Hebrew proverb made me wonder, what percentage of doctors in Germany joined the Nazi Party?” ...
Myra Kahn Adams is a conservative political and religious writer with numerous national credits. Her book, "Bible Study For ...
Estimated to be around 2,700 years old, the item is one of the oldest finds since excavations began in the country. The trinket was notably inscribed with the paleo-Hebrew phrase, “Le Yehoʼezer ...
Segal Itzkovitch, who murdered her six-year-old son in Herzliya in July, is fit to stand for trial, Israeli me ...
“Don’t kill my child,” Naima pleaded. “Kill me instead.” One man clubbed Naima with the butt of his rifle to try to grab the ...
"Exceptionally rare" manuscripts from Asia and North Africa are going on display at a university library, some for the first ...
An extinct plant has been grown from a 1000-year-old seed of a previously unknown species of commiphora that was found in an ...
Last year, a 1,100-year-old Hebrew Bible, considered to be one of the oldest surviving biblical manuscripts, sold for $38m (£28.9m) in New York. The manuscript was exhibited at the ANU Museum in ...
Last year, a 1,100-year-old Hebrew Bible, considered to be one of the oldest surviving biblical manuscripts, sold for $38m (£28.9m) in New York. The manuscript was exhibited at the ANU Museum in ...