The Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae lie in the Governorate of Aswan. It is a serial property of ten component parts covering 374.48 ha: Abu Simbel, Amada, Wadi Sebua, Kalabsha, Philae ...
Archaeologists uncovered unusual skeletons at the Tombos archaeological site in modern-day Sudan near the Nile River, ...
After the Nubian pharaohs lost power ... Tall, slender, graceful: These monuments bear witness to the lasting splendor that was Kush. In the late 20th century A.D. Swiss archaeologist Charles ...
The construction of the Aswan Dam in the 1960s threatened to destroy several ancient Nubian monuments located further upstream. In response, UNESCO led an international effort to disassemble, ...
Rex Keating reports on plans to dissassemble, transport, and reassemble the ancient Egyptian rock-cut temples in Abu Simbel, Egypt. Keating also provides an update on UNESCO's efforts to preserve ...
The Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae lie in the Governorate of Aswan. It is a serial property of ten component parts covering 374.48 ha: Abu Simbel, Amada, Wadi Sebua, Kalabsha, Philae ...