It was released widely in 2011—on April Fool’s Day—and renamed Comic Sans Pro. “It was real, but it was in on the joke,” said Terrance Weinzierl, now creative type director at Monotype ...
In 2024, the font "Comic Sans MS" (usually just called Comic Sans) celebrated its 30th birthday. What Microsoft calls a ...
I just discovered a new Google feature to be obsessed with. Typography nerds, get ready for your day to get one million times ...
There is a reason. Comic Sans is not the best available font, nor is it suitable for all situations that require typefaces.
If you head to Google now and type in your favourite font ... sorry Uber Serious Design Types) typing in 'comic sans' for an entirely unrelated reason and was tickled when the text changed ...
Trump’s old lawyers really, really love Comic Sans Their continued use of the font in official business is the typographical equivalent of making balloon animals at an impeachment hearing.