It could be the border between North and South Korea , the scene of major conflicts in the post-war or Smyrna , the threshold of Turkey . It could be Athens . It could be San Francisco .
By the letter of the law, the Korean War is still ongoing. The fighting ended in 1953 and the Korean Demilitarized Zone was ...
6/9/1951, Library of Congress The war broke out on June 25, 1950 when North Korean troops crossed the 38th parallel, invading South Korea. North Korean leader Kim Il-sung launched the attack once ...
the USSR and China agreed to split Korea in half on the 38th parallel. The north would be controlled by the communist countries, China and the USSR, the south by the US. This was supposed to be ...
SEOUL, Korea ... North Korea launched a series of attacks across the border into American-backed South Korea early Sunday, fragmentary reports from the frontier said. Reports from the 38th ...
The war began with an incursion across the 38th parallel, the boundary between North and South Korea, by 75,000 troops from the Communist North in June 1950. American troops supporting the South ...
The Korean War started on June 25, 1950, when North Korea ... 38th parallel. The communist assault was initially successful. For the first two months of the war, the North Koreans easily pushed ...
The current “balloon war” isn’t a new conflict, but an escalation of a long-standing propaganda tactic between North and South Korea ... was split along the 38th parallel, with the Soviet ...
China responded to the approaching UN force by sending over 250,000 Chinese “volunteers” into North Korea. These volunteers helped to push the UN forces back across the 38th parallel.