My Hero Academia is a Shonen anime created by writer Kohei Horikoshi. The show aired in April 2016 and has continued since then. The series follows the protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, who grew up ...
Are you enjoying season five of My Hero Academia so far? Have you been keeping up with the anime? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.
Vigilantes's highly awaited anime adaptation has finally revealed a release date along with a new exciting trailer.
The final season for beloved anime series My Hero Academia will take place next year. Announced at Jump Fiesta, the last season will kick off next fall. The staff from season seven will return to ...
My Hero Academia's final season will air in fall 2025, leaving fans excited yet with a wait ahead. The decision to delay the final season aims to give animators at BONES a well-deserved break.
One My Hero Academia ... characters in My Hero Academia overall? What kind of future would you want to see for the young hero? What are you hoping to see from her in Season 5 of the anime?
My Hero Academia season 8, meanwhile, is going to be the anime's last – season 7 was released last year. There's no firm release date just yet, but we know it will be landing some time in the fall.