• Applied to depth of 4 inches, mulch suppresses weeds by blocking sunlight from reaching the soil. Too much mulch, though, ...
Some gardeners swear by mulching in early spring; others will tell you that fall or even early winter is the time to complete ...
Mulch can be almost any loose aggregate material that will stay put and not significantly reduce air exchange out of the soil ...
Mulching is the secret to healthier plants, better soil and weed prevention - but what exactly does it consist of?
Seaweed is a fantastic natural resource that benefits plants and our soil in many ways. If you want to boost soil health, ...
What is mulch? It is simply material you use to cover the surface of the soil in your garden beds. Generally people use ...
Ventura County and some cities provide not only mulch and compost for schools, but also a subsidy for the cost of delivery.
It is generally ground to a relatively uniform particle size and spreads fairly easily with a rake or mulch fork. More: These 6 plants just won a 'best of' award. Here's what to grow in your ...