A new study reveals the composition and dynamics of the liquid hydrocarbon seas on Saturn's moon Titan, with implications for ...
Enormous lakes and seas filled with liquid methane on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan may have been crafted by the power of waves. Titan is Saturn's largest moon and the second-largest moon in ...
If Titan's oceans exhibit waves, that could give scientists insight into the moon's climate. They could then begin predicting the strength of wind on this world and infer what direction it's often ...
If that doesn’t sound hardcore enough, a new study suggests that waves of the greenhouse gases could be crashing on the moon’s coastlines, shaping its wet landscape. A team of geologists from ...
The 2020s have already seen many lunar landing attempts, although several of them have crashed or toppled over. With all the ...
While it’s not entirely confirmed as of this writing, it does seem likely that waves on Titan are large enough and powerful enough to shape the shorelines of the famous moon.
Those scientists believe those waves may be responsible for eroding and reshaping Titan's lakeshores. Related: Largest sea on Saturn's mysterious moon Titan could be more than 1,000 feet deep ...
The authors are careful to make it clear ... This, in turn, suggests that larger waves might be lurking somewhere on the moon, perhaps whipped up by inclement weather that drives stronger winds ...
Its Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) data was interpreted as a roughness on the methane-ethane lake, which could have been a sign of mudflats, surfacing bubbles, or waves.