The Apostle Paul is, next to Jesus ... that he went down to Jerusalem to meet with the leaders of the church there. ... Peter, one of the leading Apostles from all the gospel stories, and James ...
The Catholic Church’s Diocese of Buffalo appears to have granted a temporary reprieve for the members of Ss. Peter and Paul ...
Officials from the Catholic Church’s Diocese of Buffalo say that putting a hold on the merger between Ss Peter and Paul’s Parish, 508 Cherry St. to St. James Catholic Church, 27 Allen St. is part of ...
As the investigation continues into last month’s fire that consumed the historic Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church ...
Rockland County Ukrainians' host 'Unite for Ukraine in Prayers for Peace' two days after the U.S. and Ukrainian presidents ...
The Knights of Columbus will be serving fish fry dinners from 5 to 7 p.m. every Friday, March 7 through April 11, at Saints ...