The quantum Hall effect, a fundamental effect in quantum mechanics, not only generates an electric but also a magnetic current. It arises from the motion of electrons on an orbit around the nuclei ...
NASA monitors the South Atlantic Anomaly, a growing magnetic field disturbance affecting satellites and spacecraft.
It's time to recalibrate the navigation systems on ships, airplanes, and (given the time of year) Santa's sleigh: the ...
The Hall effect is a fundamental phenomenon in material science. It occurs when a material carrying an electric current is exposed to a magnetic field, producing a voltage perpendicular to both ...
The traditional Hall effect involves a symmetrical response where the current always produces a voltage at right angles to ...
However, earlier models often overlooked magnetic effects, leading to inaccurate ... potentially surpassing the speed and efficiency of current systems. Despite these advancements, questions ...
The Hall effect is a fundamental phenomenon in material science. It occurs when a material carrying an electric current is exposed to a magnetic field, producing a voltage perpendicular to both ...
In a paper published in National Science Review, researchers from Beihang University, the Institute of Physics (Chinese ...
The quantum Hall effect, a fundamental effect in quantum mechanics, not only generates an electric but also a magnetic current. It arises from the motion of electrons on an orbit around the nuclei ...