This often leads to loss of autonomy, dignity, and unnecessary suffering. The default approach in our healthcare system is to either do everything possible to extend life (regardless of unintended ...
The electronic medical record, which purportedly should make tasks easier, has made them much harder, requiring significant ...
The mother who plans to breastfeed her infant feels a loss of autonomy when she is told her 24-week infant with severe respiratory distress syndrome cannot directly breastfeed. She insists the ...
Pandemic-induced work-from-home arrangements gave a lot of airtime to the concept of “autonomy.” Without managers to oversee their every move, employees naturally had to engage in more self ...
cause people to feel a greater loss of autonomy than oversight by humans, according to the research. Businesses and other organizations using the fast-changing technologies to evaluate whether ...
It is man’s moral autonomy that distinguishes him from animals and things (pure objects). If God existed as an absolute Other, man’s subjectivity would be impossible because man would then ...
That's because their jobs often allow them the autonomy and flexibility to set their own schedules ... Amabile found that ...
Agich, George 2003. Dependence and Autonomy in Old Age. This remarkable book is the most comprehensive study ever written of the history of moral philosophy in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ...
The Autonomy Theory represents a new way of looking at and measuring nicotine dependence. As the first validated theory-based measure of nicotine dependence, the HONC promises to be a useful tool ...
Benson, Paul 2005. BOOK REVIEW: Marilyn Friedman.AUTONOMY, GENDER, POLITICS.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, Vol. 20 ...
a meta-analysis of studies concerning autonomy and participation at work’, Human Relations, 39(11):1005-1016. Steno, P., A. Alsadoon, P. Prasad, T. Al-Dala’in & O.H. Alsadoon (2021) ‘A novel enhanced ...
Sampanthan, Face of the Tamil Minority's Campaign for Autonomy After Sri Lanka's Civil ... losing their seats because of their absence. The loss of representation in Parliament strengthened ...