ITV’s spirited new drama series Three Little Birds is a triumphant celebration of immigration, community and the strength of Black womanhood. Sir Lenny Henry’s latest TV project is a deeply ...
W ritten by Sir Lenny Henry, Three Little Birds is a British historical drama television series that debuted its first season ...
Period drama about an ingénue abroad this is not. Instead, Little Birds is very modern tale of a woman losing and then finding herself down a mesmerising rabbithole. What Lucy discovers is a world in ...
Little Bird is available to stream on and the free PBS App, available on iPhone, Apple TV, Android TV, Android smartphones, Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Fire Tablet, Roku, Samsung Smart TV, ...
New York heiress Lucy Savage goes on a mesmerising exploration of 1950s Tangier when her husband disappoints her expectations of marriage in exotic climes. Based on the stories of Anais Nin.