The recent union of molecular genetic methods and ecology is a great ... These markers and visualization methods are by no means a comprehensive list, and the technique one chooses depends greatly ...
The purpose of this textbook is to present classical plant development in modern, molecular-genetic terms. The study of plant development ... Taking a systems approach, concepts in plant development ...
The Department of Molecular and Human Genetics at Baylor College of Medicine is transforming medicine by expanding the role of genetics and genomics in science and medicine through major discoveries ...
Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of RA is incomplete. A promising way to gain insight into the complexity of the disease has arisen from DNA microarray technology, which allows a ...
Plant breeding aims at the genetic enhancement of crops through the application of principles of Mendelian Genetics and modern tools and techniques of cell and molecular biology. Many breeding ...
Explore your interests to define your educational experience. Are you ready? Our master's or doctorate program in forest molecular genetics and biotechnology focuses on researching functional genomics ...