I'm here today to talk about some of the awesome cartoons of my youth that, unfortunately, don't get a lot of love today. Readers will undoubtedly be reminded of some of these cartoon classics as ...
I will confess that my appreciation of RJ Matson’s cartoon is tainted by my lack of knowledge about donkeys. I know they have ...
A Cartoon Network series creator has been arrested on child pornography charges. In a statement provided to USA TODAY Tuesday, the Burbank Police Department confirmed Carrozza's arrest and that ...
The cartoons you loved as a child have found a home on a new channel. Making things official with its huge launch on June 25, the brand-new TV network MeTV Toons is dedicated to providing viewers ...
Donald Trump is a liar. A flawed character. He’s mean, a jerk, and very unlikable. That was obvious at last night’s presidential debate. Now the hard and heartbreaking part. The president had ...
When asked if he was concerned about his performance, Biden said “No, it’s hard to debate a liar.” The president said, “The New York Times pointed out he [Trump] lied 26 times.” ...
Either candidate would be dangerous for the country as president: Donald Trump because he is a compulsive liar and narcissist, and Biden because he will be perceived as old and weak by our enemies ...
“I think it’s crazy to have a debate where the largest serial liar in American politics goes unchecked by moderators, the moderators should be the first pushing back on lies and fact checking ...
These are the same fools who call Trump a liar, but then say we are supposed to take him at his word that he is going to suspend the Constitution and be a dictator. Which is it?! Apparently ...
Asked about Democrats’ concerns about his showing and calls for him to consider dropping out of the race, he said: “No. It’s hard to debate a liar.” He indicated that his raspy voice ...
Sunday, Nov. 24, 2002. AP “I think Brady is a liar,” Fauria said in a lighthearted tone. “When I heard it, I was like, ‘Who’s he kidding? He can’t change. He can’t downshift.