France is facing deep anticolonial resentment across Africa, but has found a partner in Rwanda, which is embracing French influence despite years of acrimony. By Abdi Latif Dahir Photographs by ...
“France was our first friend and remains one of our best friends,” Biden said at a joint appearance with Macron at the Élysée Palace, the official residence of the French leader. Prep for ...
Quel temps va-t-il faire aujourd'hui et dans les prochains jours ? Découvrez toutes les prévisions météo de France 2 du vendredi 28 juin 2024, présentées par Anaïs Baydemir, Nathalie ...
La fusée en bois laqué, issue d’une des BD de Tintin, créée par l’artiste brestois est la pièce vedette d’une grande vente ...
President Biden said France was America's "first friend" at its founding and is one of its closest allies more than two centuries later as he was honored with a state visit Saturday by French ...
President Emmanuel Macron’s surprise call for new elections in France’s lower house of Parliament is seen as a risky gamble. By Aurelien Breeden Reporting from Paris President Emmanuel Macron ...
Les bouteilles d'eau, de soda, d'huile d'olive, de shampoing ou même de parfum bloquées par la sécurité de l'aéroport de Nice ...
The far-right leader angling to become prime minister after France’s upcoming parliamentary election backtracked Wednesday on his party’s previous promise to pull out of NATO’s strategic ...
French President Emmanuel Macron saw his party fall into second place in European Parliament elections in France on Sunday, with the two main far-right parties together taking close to 40% of the ...
U.S. President Joe Biden landed Wednesday in France to mark the 80th anniversary of the Normandy invasion — and plans to use the occasion to underscore the need for a strong transatlantic ...
Après le Peugeot e-3008, voici que débarque la nouvelle génération du Peugeot e-5008 . Nous avons pu l'essayer.
Votre e-mail, avec votre consentement, est utilisé par Ouest-France pour recevoir notre newsletter. En savoir plus. En marge du conseil municipal de lundi soir à Biéville-Beuville, tous les élus ...