Water coursing out from the Rapidan Dam in Minnesota, which partially failed after heavy rain over the weekend, eroded enough soil on the shoreline to send a nearby home collapsing into the river ...
On July 26, 2022, a secondary dam on the city reservoir was breached after over four inches of rain fell near Nashville in less than 12 hours, causing a 6-foot breach and flooding nearly 40 acres ...
The visuals were stunning: water from the Blue Earth River surged around a southern Minnesota dam, carrying a shipping container with it as it toppled utility poles, wrecked a substation and ...
RAPIDAN TOWNSHIP, Minn. — The raging Blue Earth River, which caused an abutment of the 114-year-old Rapidan Dam to partially fail, has now swallowed most of the iconic home that sits on a nearby ...
It has dropped some 5 to 6 feet since the catastrophic storm last Tuesday that broke the 124-year-old dam that maintains its level. Pressure from rain that totaled up to 10 inches in some areas of ...
Eric Henderson consoles his wife Louise Henderson after she looked at the site where the Dam Store and a family friend's house used to be near Rapidan Dam on Saturday. "I watched one of my best ...
MANKATO, Minnesota — A portion of the home closest to the Rapidan Dam tumbled into the serving Blue Earth River Tuesday evening. Blue Earth County officials said in a very brief news release ...
David Hruska woke up Monday to the roar of the dam near his Minnesota house — a sound he had fallen asleep and woken up to thousands of times in his 44 years living there. But that day ...
Residents in Nashville, Illinois, living near a dam have been ordered to evacuate because it is at "imminent" risk of bursting. Locals have been urged to abandon their homes amid extensive flood ...
RAPIDAN TOWNSHIP, Minn. — Flooding on the Blue Earth River caused an abutment of the Rapidan Dam to partially fail on Monday morning, and it remains in "imminent failure condition." On Tuesday ...
“Although there is no immediate danger of either failure or breach of the dam, the potential does exist however remote it might be,” the statement reads. Although Lake Livingston are more than ...
LIVINGSTON, Texas — Recent rainfall and flooding have caused issues at the Lake Livingston Dam -- particularly the spillway of the dam. Trinity River Authority officials said the dam's drainage ...