Glen Ellyn Age: 63 Occupation: Commodity broker/branch office manager Previous offices held: Former Glen Ellyn Village ...
A ccording to neuroscientist James Burkett from the University of Toledo, “That familiarity bias tells you that the animal’s not responding in a reflexive manner to the stimuli that they’re ...
"To me, this looks very much like a behavior that's driven by what I would call the altruistic impulse," says James Burkett, a neuroscientist at the University of Toledo who wasn't involved in the ...
Bystander' mice attempt to revive unconscious companions, a new study reveals, suggesting our natural inclination to help others in need runs deep within our mammalian heritage.
“That was a really well done part of the study, showing that this is engaging social behavior networks in the brain,” says James Burkett, a neuroscientist at the University of Toledo who wasn ...
“To me, this looks very much like a behavior that’s driven by what I would call the altruistic impulse,” says James Burkett, a neuroscientist at the University of Toledo who wasn’t involved in the ...