Batman has one of the richest histories in comics. Currently, there are plenty of key and entertaining Bat-books that deserve ...
Prostitution was certainly a hazardous occupation. Other prostitutes killed in that time period can be viewed on the Jack the Ripper Cas... website. Please be aware that this webpage contains real ...
While Batman vs. Jack the Ripper was a thrilling meeting of two titans, The Kryptonian Age shows how other DC characters would fill out and enhance a Victorian-era Gotham. Issue #1 has hit the ...
Union Jack: The Ripper – Blood Hunt #2 stumbles into comic shops this Wednesday, because apparently, we haven't had enough brooding bloodsuckers in Manchester. Let's sink our teeth into this ...
My biggest scoop didn’t land a corrupt DC councilman in jail, but maybe it should have. It was May 2016 and I had a big story ...
And this is the nub. As another teacher of mine once put it, if Jack the Ripper is abroad in your town, killing people and mutilating their bodies, the city's leaders must track him down and ...
The Ripper - Blood Hunt #3 hits stores this Wednesday. Will Union Jack's crusade against vampires end in victory or a bloody ...
A forensic linguist from The University of Manchester who analysed letters supposedly signed by Jack the Ripper has concluded that two of the most famous examples were written by the same person. The ...
Jack Black announced Tuesday that his band’s upcoming world tour would be cancelled following his bandmates joke about the ...
A blood-stained Victorian shawl which was sold in a Bury St Edmunds auction has led to experts finally uncovering the identity of Jack the Ripper. That is the sensational claim being made in a new ...
The violent killer earned himself a nickname – Jack the Ripper. But everything you think you know murders and those murdered women is wrong. In a new 15-part series, historian Hallie Rubenhold ...
Good thing The Dreaming is an endless expanse, because The Sandman Season 2 is starting to get a lot more crowded. Game of ...