But every silver lining has a cloud, and Zach's comes when he learns that Hannah has a mysterious dad who is revealed to be R.L. Stine (Jack Black), the author of the bestselling "Goosebumps" series.
In the movie, a teenager (Dylan Minnette) runs into the author R.L. Stine (Jack Black) and while reading through his "Goosebumps" manuscripts, accidently releases the evil horrors of his books.
Goosebumps, the iconic children's horror series ... After a long hiatus, the franchise returned to the big screen in 2015, with Jack Black playing the role of R. L. Stine himself.
has joined the cast of “Goosebumps,” The Wrap reports. Rush will star alongside Jack Black in the adaptation of R.L. Stine’s mega-popular children’s book series. Per The Wrap ...