How do Kosher vs Halal compare? Despite the two coming from different religious dietary laws, they have been mistaken to mean almost the same thing. However, Halal is for Muslims, while Kosher is ...
Introducing the rules of Kosher and Halal, which describe what animals can be eaten and how they should be prepared, and explaining the reluctance to eat meat typical of Hindus and Buddhists.
The University of Minnesota is offering kosher and halal foods in dining halls as of Saturday. The new food options are the result of a push last spring from Jewish and Muslim student groups. In ...
AMSTERDAM (JTA) — Jewish leaders in Europe say the European Union is not only banning some methods of kosher and halal slaughter, but telling Jews and Muslims how to practice their religions.
It is similar, but not the same, as kashrut ... and usually order kosher meals on airline flights. There is also a burgeoning halal consumer market for Muslims in the US, Britain, and elsewhere.
“A halal, kosher store — somebody who’s actually ... And fortunately my husband’s the same way.” Almusawi said she’s seen fewer Jewish customers since the recent violence between ...