The Brood XIV cicadas will only stick around in Tennessee for a few weeks. The periodical cicadas will be present as early as ...
Billions of cicadas are set to emerge from the ground as spring arrives, and the tiny insects will be looking to mate and lay ...
While the great cicada emergence of 2024 brought a historic convergence of cicada broods, what will happen in 2025?
Maintaining an unkempt garden can play a crucial role in supporting local pollinators and beneficial insects throughout the ...
The inquirer was actually referring to an insect pest of warm-season turfgrasses, the type we grow here in southeastern North ...
The last time this brood of cicadas saw the sun, President George W. Bush was nearing the end of his presidency and Apple was about to launch the App Store.
It happens to every homeowner at some point. You look up and see a yellowjacket nest hanging somewhere around your home. It’s ...
Despite the frigid temperatures and white blankets we experienced in central Ohio, plants and insects are expected to survive.
Some insects will avoid the cold altogether and migrate to warmer temperatures such as the monarch butterfly, armyworms, ...
What is a pitfall trap? A pitfall trap is a simple device used to catch small animals - particularly insects and other invertebrates - that spend most of their time on the ground. In its most basic ...