Immigration is NOT the No. 1 problem in this country, as the right wing pushes the media to tell you. The No. 1 problem is a malignant narcissist, leading a corrupted right-wing political party ...
I wonder if business leaders (and chamber of commerce) would push immigration/amnesty if they had to absorb all costs instead of being subsidized by taxpayers. I wonder if the churches ...
Bloomberg News — hardly a Marxist tool — reported that the Congressional Budget Office estimates that immigration will boost U.S. gross domestic product by 7 trillion over the next decade.
It was interesting to read about Rep. Mike Flood complaining about the immigration issue and blaming it on President Biden. I wish I’d remembered his town hall meeting so I could have asked him ...
Curran’s column was the best articulation of the immigration issue that I’ve seen to date. I have long opined here in the letters and on my golf course that the U.S. needs immigrants ...
Nobody disputes the need for sensible immigration reform. But let’s try to move past silly solutions that will do more harm than good. Last week, you published a letter from my friend and Baylor ...
Add that Mr. Trump's charges that immigrants "poison our blood" and/or have escaped from prisons and insane asylums are outrageous, and I can't help wondering which side of the immigration debate is ...
Curran’s column is the best articulation of the immigration issue that I’ve seen to date. I have long opined here in the letters and on my golf course that the U.S. needs immigrants ...
They eliminated “Remain in Mexico” that President Trump had negotiated with the Mexican government which prevented any illegal immigrants from entry into the U.S. before their immigration ...
Greg Abbott’s executive order that requires hospitals in Texas to collect information on the immigration status of patients so that the hospitals can then track costs incurred for the care of ...